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Holocaust 2019

Holocaust Memorial Day, January 27, 2019. A recent poll commissioned in Britain reveals one in 20 British adults do not believe the...

Terminal Avenue

It seems it’s all kicking off around homelessness in Nanaimo again, this time it's to do with the temporary supported units at 250...

The Love of Fall

On this morning’s walk, my attention was taken up by a Maple leaf coming down from a tree in a seamless almost perfect glide until...


In our over-stimulating world, we talk about "Awe" like disposable cardboard, a prepackaged experience that kept us entertained for a...

Friday 13th

It’s a beautiful morning; it would be a great day to have a reason. On my early walk, I watched a worker with her stop sign keeping...

Catching Breath

Catching a breath this afternoon brought me into a reflective mood. After the kids were born, I put in a raised bed because we wanted...

Celebrity Suicide

Following the deaths of designer Kate Spade and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, some news outlets have publicized suicide prevention...

Inside the Hole

In contrast to yesterday’s eye toward the skies I’m back in my hole, its pissing rain and I’m wearing a garbage bag to stay dry. To be...


The initial doodle sketched out on a piece of paper as I was trying to come up with cover art for "Bundle."


Aspidistral Chronicles Vol 2.

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